Need an out-of-body experience? Fango #9 has you covered: from Freaky to Possessorto Wolf of Snow Hollow, our Fall 2020 issue covers films with a dizzying amount of body-swapping, telepathic possession, comas, doubles, and transformations. Count down slowly from 10 to 1, and follow us into a trippy, ever-shifting universe of awesome horror.
FREAKY: See that decapitated jock on the cover? We go all in on Freaky, a post-post (-post?) modern high-school slasher that overflows with gore and heart in equal measure. We chat with director Christopher Landon and star Kathryn Newton.
Screenwriter Michael Kennedy also weighs in on his personal journey to get the film made;
BREA GRANT: Writer-director-actor Grant tells us all about her film 12 Hour Shift, and how she managed to create a bile-black comedy out of organ harvesting and drug addiction;
BRANDON CRONENBERG: Brandon Cronenberg's Possessor- about a body-hopping assassin - carries on the family tradition of heady concepts mixed with gnarly practical FX;
DAN MARTIN 2: FX artist Dan Martin (aforementioned Possessor, Color Out of Space, Human Centipede I1) outlines how he achieved a particularly memorable kill;
THE WOLF OF SNOW HOLLOW: Filmmaker Jim Cummings (Thunder Road) enters the horror fray with this tense thriller set in a remote mountain town, and
gives us insights to his creative process;
GHASTLY NEW FICTION from Clay McLeod Chapman;
BOB MARTIN: Four Fango editors remember the legendary editor-in-chief Robert H. Martin, who helmed FANGORIA from 1979 - 1986;
CANDYMAN: Actor and comedian Jonah Ray Rodrigues recounts how his brother terrorized him as a child with
the legend of the Candyman.
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